Address the Desk Mess!

Students of all ages should organize and pick up their workspace before bed each night! Waking up, and getting to work in a tidy space has many fantastic benefits!  A clean work area improves health and wellness, makes a good impression, increases efficiency, and energizes mood!  An organized space also lends teachers a helping hand, especially when receiving instruction through video conferencing! 

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Health and Wellness

Looking at a giant mess causes a great deal of stress.  The process of searching through stacks of papers and drawers filled with junk causes stress levels to rise.  High levels of stress can induce irritability, fatigue, lethargy, and produce trouble sleeping soundly at night.  

A work space abounds with bacteria if not wiped down regularly.  One must tidy their desk and wipe it down every night before bed to reduce their stress and to prevent the sniffles!

Making a Good Impression

Students usually strive to impress their students and teachers.  Keeping a desk tidy and organized is a great way to make a good impression, assert independence, and show responsibility!

Increasing Efficiency

When a desk is cluttered, it can take a student several minutes searching through piles of paper before they find that assignment their teacher is asking for.  To decrease time wasted rifling through mess and increase time spent on assignments, keep all papers organized in tabbed folders or binders!  

A student is better able to focus on the task at hand if there aren’t distractions sitting on their desk.  Keep school supplies in the workspace, and keep toys and crafts in the play space!

Energizing Mood

A happy workspace makes a happy heart! Looking at a clean, organized area makes students feel good about the area they are working in.  When things look good on the outside, it usually effects how we feel on the inside!  If things around us are a mess, we might begin to feel a bit yucky on the inside! 


Why is this important for remote learning?

Often times, through the computer camera, teachers only get a good look at the student’s face and what is behind them.  They usually don’t get to see the workspace; therefore, they may go unaware of what distractions may sit right in front of their student.  To help teachers keep their students engaged with their learning, it is important that students begin their session with a workspace that is organized and free of distractions!