Unlocking "I Don't Know"

Language Learning Disabilities (LLD) account for the largest percentage of diagnosed learning disabilities. This type of LD causes children to struggle with language, especially in conversation – the way they engage in it, as well as process it. Parents can help by teaching their children the art of communicating.

Parents are naturally curious about the school day – “What did you learn at school?” “Who did you play with at recess?” “Did you have a good day?” Ask a quick question requiring a one-word answer, and that is what you’ll get. After a long day at school, a child with a language learning disability may be too mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted to answer a barrage of questions; it’s too much.

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Allow for some “down time” after the school day. Encourage your child to run around outside, shoot baskets, ride a bike, or climb a tree. After a healthy snack and some physical exercise, think about switching up your questions! The National Center for Learning Disabilities suggests some of the following questions to help your child engage in a conversation about school:

• What was the best thing you did at school today?
• Tell me the names of four kids who sat closest to you at lunch
• Was there anything you wish you had at school that you didn’t have today?
• What were most kids doing at recess?
• Who has a locker near yours?
• What was the funniest thing someone said at lunch?

These questions help parents inquire about the times during which their children may experience negative social interactions (lunch, recess, and in between classes). Their answers will help provide an inside look at what they are experiencing during social snippets. Practicing this type of communication and question-answer sessions will strengthen your child’s ability to reproduce that back and forth in a more natural way during the school day. Soon the shoulder shrugs and “I don’t knows” will be a thing of the past!

For more ideas and resources, check out our other blog posts here. For more information about how our team can support you with home learning, visit our website.