How to Transform Your Child Into a Self-Starter

No matter what the age, kids are capable of displaying independence if their parents encourage it. 

1. When your child has assignments to complete, help them get started, make sure they understand the directions, but then let them have alone time to work. The more they do tasks independently, the more confidence they will build as a learner! 

    • Let them know that you are available if they need help, but encourage them to work on their own.

2. Have the child repeat back what their responsibilities are for the day.

    •  This helps them internalize the information and holds them accountable for their assignments.

3. Monitor their progress with independent time

    • If your child struggles to work independently, check up on them every so often to clarify any questions they might have. Start with giving them 5 minutes of independent time and gradually work your way up to longer periods of time.

4. Assist them with organizing their learning materials 

    • Having school materials organized makes completing tasks a lot less complicated. Help your child come up with an organization system that works for them, whether that may be color-coded binders, folders, etc. to clear the clutter. 

5. Routine is key!

    • Be consistent with their independent time, making sure they know their responsibilities, and maintaining organization along the way. Once these habits stick to your child’s routine, the more they will want to start tasks on their own!