Age-appropriate chores for children are so important, as it teaches them to work hard and contribute to the family. Learning to do chores at an early age is a life skill that they will never lose. Having children of varying ages can make it difficult to delegate chores, but even a child as young as 2 years old can help around the house. Here are some age appropriate chores for your children!
2-3 year olds
o Put toys and books away
o Throw trash in the trashcan
o Put silverware away
o Put dirty clothes in the laundry hamper
o Put folded clothes away in drawers
o Dust
o Wipe baseboards
4-6 year olds
o All previously listed chores
o Make the bed
o Get dressed with minimal parent help
o Match socks
o Feed pets
o Set and clear the table
o Carry lighter groceries in from the car and help put away
7-11 year olds
o All previously listed chores
o Sweep and vacuum
o Clean their room
o Clean toilets
o Wash mirrors
o Fold and put away laundry
o Fetch the mail and newspaper
o Bring trash to the curb
o Weed flowerbeds
o Organize rooms
12+ year olds
o All previously listed chores
o Babysit younger siblings
o Laundry
o Wash the car
o Wash windows
o Mop floors
o Clean bathrooms
o Clean out the refrigerator
o Cook simple meals
To enforce the chores that you want your children to complete, consider implementing a reward system. Using a chart to create a visual is a fantastic way to keep kids of all ages accountable for their part in keeping the house clean! Take a look at our blog about reward systems to learn how you can hold your children accountable.